Since the Internet defamer and stalker - Gerald 'Joe' Moreno - is making great effort to cast slurs on me and all of my associates – I want to point out how he systematically and willfully misinterpreted the meaning of some statements made on the website of Judith Bourque (items since removed as inaccurate), Judith Bourque ( )wrote:-

“I wish to make completely clear that Conny Larsson has not expressed that he is a channel for Vyaasa in any 'psychical', mediumistic or paranormal sense. He has a deep understanding of Vyaasa and an intuition as to what is relevant in any connection that arises with participants in his excellent classes... only in this sense is he a communicative channel for the long-deceased Indian master."

For the sake of clarity I post scans of the text Judith Bourque posted, and the altered text after she corrected the mistaken information:-

Judith Bourque's corrected web page on Conny Larsson

There were one or two sensational articles made in the north of Sweden when I was touring there in Gallivare and Gavle lecturing on meditation and explaining about auras, dowsing and other matters. That I was called a medium was entirely from the journalist's point of view. Since I am well known as a lecturer on the topics of mumbo jumbo, new age and other matters relating to the so called spiritual life that I was so involved in before, these articles turned out to be pro-spiritualist biased, even though I clearly stated during the lectures of mine that there was nothing unnatural in this and that any person could evolve his own intuition to a higher state. in fact I even stated that it is only a higher form of empathy.

False accusation by Moreno of undue money-making Even though the organizers of the lecture charged money for the entrance I didn't receive a penny more then that they paid for my expenses, food and board etc. By the way, I did psychotherapy with people that had long been my patients y returned every year, and for that work of mine I charged the regular fee of Kr. 500 per hour. What was incorrectly written in one article madder it looks as though I earned a fortune. I had 14 patients on my tour so there were no riches from that. This is what Joe Moreno based his usual overblown and malicious slander on.

The only time I charge for is the hours in which I work as a counsellor, since that has been my profession for 30 years, as accredited by the Swedish government. My meditation courses are always free. So were the pendulum talks I was giving, which I stopped after one course as it seemed inappropriate. Regarding my healing, I work with some chiropractor techniques and acupressure, can easily be seen on the pictures Joe has broadcasted on the internet, taking them totally out of context in his typical malicious way to try to discredit me – by pretending that I was making some sexual advances during acupressure on the feet of one of the teachers that participated in the second Master Class held in 2007.

I do believe that people can move into one another’s personal ’space ‘and evoke emotions and feelings. This could easily be felt by anyone when their ‘space’ is penetrated, This is in fact what I mean by 'the aura'. This space usually extends about as wide as one can stretch ones arms This is also how far you should let people come close to you, other than your loved ones. İndians fold theır hands together instead of hugging and grabbing each other as we have been brought up to do, and the reason is ‘the aura’. When I teach I do not mystify what I call the aura. I simply how they can keep the personal integrity of their ‘space’ or ‘aura’ by keeping people out of their inner space in this way. But also how they can receive vital nourishment to heal themselves from within, and by de-stressing and easing any mental-emotional traumas with help of the easy relaxing technique of meditation. If people develop that to something mystical or unreal it is up to them, but for me this is my daily experience - meditation twice a day for about 45 years. Enough to say that my meditation has functioned for me and people I have taught for as many years, so long as they practise. I do not hold myself to be anything special or above anyone, my teaching has always been to tell everyone to trust the inner prompting more then follow any teacher whosoever, ıncluding myself.

We can all be sure that Gerald Moreno’s writings will never be regarded as other than fanatical cultist attacks by all serious observer, and especially academic researchers. Recently we see how this included the ethnic Indian academic Tulasi Srinivas of Columbia University (Assistant Professor of Anthropology from 2007) (B.A. Bangalore University, M.A. University of Southern California, Ph.D. Boston University) who shows in her latest work that she is even somewhat biased towards a more serious acceptance of this major deceiver sex abusing pedophile Sathya Sai Baba than many glaring and documented facts prove.